
Letter of Continued Interest Example: Elevate Your Waitlist Status


When you’ve applied to your dream college or university and find yourself on the waitlist, it can be challenging to know how to proceed. There’s one strategy that might make a difference: sending a letter of continued interest example. Also known as a LOCI, this letter is a way to express your ongoing commitment to the institution and reinforce your desire to be admitted. Crafting a thoughtful and persuasive letter is critical, as it can set you apart from other candidates. Below is a handy reference table summarizing the key points related to creating a successful letter of continued interest.

Element Description Purpose Tips
Tone Professional and Positive To convey enthusiasm and respect Remain courteous and express genuine interest.
Updates Recent achievements or experiences To demonstrate continued suitability and growth Include relevant academic or extracurricular accomplishments.
Reiteration of Interest Explicit statement of your intention to attend if admitted To confirm the school as your top choice Be clear about your commitment to the institution.
Length and Format Concise, professionally formatted To ensure readability and respect for the admissions office’s time Keep it to one page, use business letter format.

Crafting Your Letter of Continued Interest: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding and adhering to the best practices when writing a letter of continued interest can be the key to converting your waitlist status into an acceptance. A well-written LOCI does not guarantee admission, but it can help you stand out and show admissions officers why you would be a valuable addition to their incoming class.

Begin with An Accurate Self-Assessment

Before you start writing your letter of continued interest, take time for a thorough self-assessment. Reflect on any recent accomplishments or experiences that have occurred since your application was submitted. Have you won any awards or competitions? Have you taken on new leadership roles, engaged in additional community service, completed any significant projects, or improved your grades? These details are essential for showing the admissions committee that you are actively continuing to improve and succeed.

By identifying these elements before writing your letter, you can ensure your LOCI is rich with evidence of your suitability for the school and your dedication to personal growth. Remember, a letter of continued interest is not just about restating your desire to attend; it’s also an opportunity to present new information that enhances your candidacy.

Understanding the Role of Continued Interest Letters in College Admissions

letter of continued interest example

“The letter of continued interest serves as a tool to assert your dedication to the school, offering them more reasons to consider you favorably among waitlisted or deferred applicants.”

What a Continued Interest Letter Achieves

A letter of continued interest is an important component in the college admissions process, particularly for students who have been waitlisted or deferred. This letter allows you to affirm your commitment to the school while updating the admissions committee on new achievements, providing supplementary information that may not have been present in your initial application. It is your opportunity to show that you are not only still interested in the institution but also that you have continued to develop as a student and as an individual since you first applied.

Timing and Tone

The timing of a letter of continued interest is crucial. It should be sent soon after receiving notice of the waitlist or deferral, showing that the school remains your top choice. The tone should be positive and respectful, illustrating your professionalism and maturity. By expressing your continued enthusiasm for the opportunity to attend and contributing new insights into your candidacy, you help the admissions committee see your potential as a future student.

Writing a Compelling Continued Interest Letter: Structure and Content

“A compelling letter of continued interest aligns newly updated accomplishments with the institution’s values, reaffirming your status as a top candidate who is ready to contribute meaningfully to the campus community.”

Structure Your Letter for Maximum Impact

Starting with a professional greeting and a clear introduction to your situation, your letter should then progress to highlight recent achievements or developments since your application. This can include any new awards, improved grades, or community involvement. The content should be organized in a manner that is easy to read, using paragraphs to separate thoughts and keeping it to a concise one-page length. Concluding your letter with a strong affirmation of your desire to attend the school solidifies your interest.

Content That Resonates with Admissions Committees

To ensure your letter is compelling, it’s important to make direct connections between your achievements and how they make you a better fit for the school. Be specific about why this institution is your top choice, referencing specific programs, resources, or opportunities that excite you. Your aim is to present yourself as someone who isn’t just looking for any college experience, but specifically the experience that this college offers.

Dos and Don’ts When Composing Your Letter of Continued Interest

“Adhering to key dos and don’ts in your letter can differentiate you as an applicant who is both highly interested and aware of what it takes to communicate effectively and professionally in a collegiate setting.”

Best Practices In Crafting Your Letter

Do be succinct and respectful of the reader’s time. Do provide new information that enhances your application. Do reiterate your passion for the school and what you can contribute. Don’t repeat information already in your application. Don’t express negativity about being waitlisted. And importantly, don’t send multiple letters or updates unless the school requests them. A single, well-written letter is typically sufficient and demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively.

Fine-tuning Your Message

Proofread your letter multiple times to eliminate any errors, and consider asking a teacher or mentor to review it for feedback. Ensure that your message is not only clear and concise but also reflective of your unique voice and sincere interest. By following these guidelines, your letter will be professional, compelling, and an authentic representation of your continued interest in joining the institution.

Conclusion: The Impact of a Thoughtful Letter of Continued Interest

In the realm of college admissions, a well-crafted letter of continued interest can be a decisive factor in moving from the waitlist to the ranks of enrolled students. Through diligence, personalized updates, and a clear reaffirmation of your passion for the institution, your letter of continued interest example can leave a lasting, positive impression on an admissions committee. It is an opportunity to represent your best self, showcase new achievements, and convey a message of commitment and enthusiasm that may very well tip the scales in your favor.

  • The letter of continued interest is a strategic tool for waitlisted or deferred students to reassert their desire to attend and provide updates on new achievements.
  • Timing is crucial; send your letter soon after receiving the waitlist or deferral notification, ideally within a few weeks.
  • Adopt a professional and positive tone, being courteous and expressing true interest without sounding desperate or presumptuous.
  • Stay concise, limit the letter to one page, and use a standard business letter format to ensure readability.
  • Provide relevant updates, such as new awards, improved grades, additional courses taken, or recent extracurricular successes.
  • Explicitly confirm your intention to enroll if admitted, demonstrating genuine commitment.
  • Refrain from including information previously mentioned in your application or being too persistent with follow-ups.
  • Proofread carefully to avoid errors that could detract from your professionalism.

A polished letter of continued interest has the power to not only reinforce your application but also to remind the admissions council of your continued commitment to their institution. Being proactive in this manner is a testament to your dedication and can differentiate you during the complex admissions process.

FAQs: Letter of Continued Interest

What is a good example of a letter of continued interest?

A good example of a letter of continued interest is one that is concise, positive, and personalized. It should start with a respectful greeting, express your continued interest in the school, provide relevant and recent updates about your achievements or experiences since your application, and reiterate your commitment to attend if offered admission. The letter should be formatted professionally and kept to one page.

What not to say in a letter of continued interest?

In a letter of continued interest, it’s important to avoid expressing any negativity about being waitlisted or deferred. You should not apologize for your credentials or suggest that the school made a mistake. Avoid repeating information that was in your original application or making demands concerning your admission decision. It’s also recommended not to be too informal or overly emotional.

How soon should you write a letter of continued interest?

You should write a letter of continued interest soon after you receive a waitlist or deferral notification, typically within two to three weeks. This timeframe shows the admissions committee that you are prompt and serious about attending their institution while giving you enough time to gather any recent developments or accomplishments to add to your LOCI.

How many words should a letter of continued interest be?

A letter of continued interest should typically be between 300 to 500 words. It’s important to be concise and get straight to the point as admissions officers have many applications and letters to review. Respect their time by sharing only the most relevant updates and your clear intention to attend if admitted.

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